Ms. Jia-Jones interview with Rogers TV on Effective Cross-Cultural Communication, Marketing, and Selling, courtesy of Rogers TV Daytime
Media coverage of Kathy Keyi Jia-Jones’s presentation “Respect and Understanding –Cross-Cultural Workshop” at Chesley Community event, sponsored by McLean Lawyers, April 24, 2013: “Workshop an Education in Cultural Differences”, by Mary Golem, published in Owen Sound Sun Times, April 26, 2013, front page of Friday edition
“Workshop Fosters Respect Between Cultures“, feature story of Cross-Cultural Workshop conducted Ms. Jia-Jones of Cross-Cultural Biz, by Mary Golem, published in Hanover Post, May 2, 2013
Lawyers Weekly interview with Kathy Keyi Jia-Jones: “The Nuances of Cross-Cultural Dealings“, Richard Skinulis, November 2, 2012
CBC Radio Canada International: “Business Tips for a Multicultural Canada“
Ms. Jia-Jones was interviewed by the Link program of CBC Radio Canada International on May 30, 2007. She talked about how to make a Canadian “salad,” how to manage cultural differences, and how to successfully conduct business in a multicultural environment. To listen please go to
OMNI TV Interview:
Interview with OMNI TV in 2010; Ms. Jia-Jones, Area Governor of Toastmasters International, offering tips on improving public speaking (in Mandarin); courtesy of OMNI TV
Rogers TV Interviews: China Business Series-Part One-“Chinese business culture and etiquette”, Nov. 2006
Courtesy of Rogers TV Daytime
China Business Series-Part Two: After a well received interview, Ms. Jia-Jones was invited back for another show on Chinese New Year, legends related to Chinese Festival and Chinese business custom, and how to get ready for China business
Courtesy of Rogers TV DayTime Daytime