

Welcome to the Cross-Cultural Biz Podcast©. Episodes are available in both English and Chinese.


Mandarin Adventure!©

Interested in learning Chinese Mandarin? Here is a show for the young and the young at heart. This is a Chinese New Year episode–Happy Year of the Sheep! Music by Kyle Jia Jones

“加拿大的這點小事”©–“The Little Things in Canada”© Kathy Keyi Jia-Jones. 2015年春節 Spring Fest 2015。羊年快樂!(Feb. 2015) © Kathy Keyi Jia-Jones; music by Kyle Jia Jones; editing support by Kalli Jia-Jones

Key Mandarin Words and Expressions for Travellers in China © Kathy Keyi Jia-Jones; music by Kyle Jia Jones

The Year of the Monkey and the Monkey King (Feb. 2016) © Kathy Keyi Jia-Jones; music by Kyle Jia-Jones

Ancient Chinese Poem Reading (Jan. 9, 2017) © Kathy Keyi Jia-Jones; music by Incool Inc.

Poem List:

  1. “秋思” 唐朝 張籍
  2. “游山西村” 南宋 陸游
  3. “同兒輩賦未開海棠” 金朝 元好問
  4. “菊花” 唐朝 黃巢
  5. “梅花” 北宋 王安石
  6. “畫” 唐朝 王維
  7. “咏鵝” 唐朝 駱賓王
  8. ”登鸛雀樓“ 唐朝 王之渙



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