Doing business in today’s global marketplace is more complex than ever. At Cross-Cultural Biz, our training and consulting expertise will help you find the best solutions for the challenges facing your business. We will help you take your business to a new level.
Our seminars are designed to prepare our clients with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to conduct business successfully in a foreign market or an intercultural business environment. We take a practical and interactive approach. Conducted by cross-cultural communication specialists, these seminars will help you gain confidence, communicate effectively with people from other cultures, manage differences, and increase productivity. The seminars, packed with practical information, insightful case studies, entertaining anecdotes, vivid visuals, and interactive activities, have been proven beneficial to the various participant groups who have enjoyed them.

Ms. Jia-Jones speaking at the Toastmasters International Conference; photo taken by Jale Fancey of Jale Fancey Photography
Seminars at First Canadian Place Now Closed to Comply with Ontario’s COVID-19 State-Emergency
Our Seminars are Offered Online
They are half-day to two-day in duration and can be taken separately or in combination for maximum value.
Cross-Cultural Training Seminars
Post-COVID Cross-Cultural Business Preparation Programs
Cross-Cultural Competence Training
Leading Global Teams to Success
Cross-Cultural Training for Executives
Effectively Managing a Multicultural Workplace-for Managers and Supervisors
Cross-Cultural Training for Human Resources Staff
Cross-Cultural Marketing and Selling
Increasing Sales in Competitive Multicultural Markets
Culture Savvy Marketing
Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
Cross-Cultural Negotiation–the Art of Tact and Diplomacy
All About Cultural “Nuances” –“Little” Things That Kill the Relationship and the Deal
International Business Etiquette and Protocol
Public Speaking for Internationally Educated Professionals
Cross-Cultural Training for Educational Sector
Cross-Cultural Training of Trainers

Cross-Cultural Training at Scotiabank headquarters, Scotia Plaza, Toronto
International Business Solutions (Conducted by Specialists from the Country–Contact Us)

“Effective Cross-Cultural Communication and Leadership Workshop”, Toastmasters International, District 86 Conference
China and Asia Business Seminars and Programs
Understanding Cultural Differences
Understanding Asian Business Culture and Etiquettes
Essential Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette
International Hospitality Consulting–China Preparation Program
Communicating Effectively with Chinese and Asian Clients
Successful Cross-Cultural Marketing Strategies
Successful Cross-Cultural Selling
Managing Complex Business Cultures in India
Doing Business in South Korea
Doing Business in Japan
Doing Business in Vietnam
Multicultural Business and Workplace
Effectively Managing a Multicultural Workplace-for Managers and Supervisors
Workplace Inclusive Training
Exploring Canadian Values and Attitude and Understanding Our Own Cultural Backgrounds
North American Communication Styles
How to Deal with Cultural Shocks and Cope with Acculturative Stress
Cultural Adjustment and Conflict Solving at the Workplace
Effective Cross-Cultural Counselling for Immigrant Settlement Workers

Cross-Cultural Event in Chesley, Ontario; sponsored by McLean Lawyers
North American Business
Doing Business in Canada
Successful Integration into Canadian Workplace
Public Speaking and Effective Presentation for Internationally Educated Professionals
Tourism and Hospitality
We provide one-stop cross-cultural business service: training, consulting, marketing–translation and voice over–language lessons, networking, and more!
Our Asia (including China) Preparation Program designed for tourism and hospitality is well received. See Tourism and Hospitality Page

In The Ritz-Carlton, Virginia, photo by Pamela Eyring
Relocation Preparation and Expatriate Seminar
Training or consulting will be customized based on specific assignment and objectives
Youth and Parenting Programs
Graceful leadership, Public speaking, and Social Skills Development for Youth –G.P.S. for Youth
Proven Techniques for Improving Public Speaking Skills (for youth and adults)
Graceful Parenting Workshop Series
“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success“. Alexander Graham Bell
Our Happy Client’s Testimonials:
“With the training provided by Cross-Cultural Biz at the outset of the most recent training program, I was amazed at how much more confident our delegates were. The participants developed a cultural awareness, an ability to communicate effectively, and gained confidence in the academic settings that they were being trained in. It was marvelous to experience this turnaround so quickly. Definitely a key aspect to our future long term training programs!”
Maire O, Ph.D., former Director, Training Division, York University, Canada; current Co-Director, International Leadership and Management Institute, Florida Atlantic University
“Along with my colleagues here at Scotia Bank, I was privileged to attend a training session on cross-cultural awareness facilitated by Kathy of Cross-Cultural Biz. The session was informative as it was exciting. Kathy shared her wealth of practical experience through life stories to help participants understand how cross cultural awareness impacts business across different jurisdictions. I particularly enjoyed her use of role-play and active Q&A strategies to engage participants making the session a true learning experience for everyone. Kathy is a true expert in this area.”
~J Emuan
Senior Manager, International Department, Scotiabank
More can be found on our Testimonials page.
Let us assess your needs and help you take your business to a new level